5 Easy Ways to Improve the Office Environment

With studies showing that roughly two thirds of Australian workers are disengaged in the workplace, it is clear that employers need to take action to make people feel happier about coming to the office every day. Improving the physical office environment can make a big difference to employees' moods. Here are five tips that could help make the office a better place to be. 1. Create a Social Space Positive workplace relationships can make a huge difference to employees' happiness, as well as encouraging collaboration within the workplace. [Read More]

Five Hacks To Reduce Bad Odours In Your Business Bathroom

Your employees spend a large part of their lives at your office, and chances are high that after too much coffee, too many rich doughnuts or a hearty lunch, they may need to deposit a few odours in your bathroom. Unfortunately, many of the most effective tricks that you use at home – such as lighting a match to dissipate the smell – aren't appropriate in a professional environment. However, if your business bathroom stinks, here are some tips to help keep odours under control: [Read More]