How to Approach the Onerous Task of Clearing a Deceased Relative's Home

When an elderly relative who was living alone passes away, traumatic times follow. After the initial period of mourning and grief, it's time to consider how their estate is going to be handled and what to do with their old house. Some older people are inclined to keep a lot of stuff (less politely known as "hoarding"), and sometimes this means that their property is chock-full of furniture, boxes and other possessions. [Read More]

Attract Clients by Keeping the Floor Tiles in Your Lobby Clean

A dirty lobby is a sure way of chasing away visitors, clients, and potential customers from your business. This is because the lobby or reception area is the first place where people get to interact with your company. If you don't maintain it, clients will not be convinced that you are capable of delivering excellent business. Unfortunately, with heavy foot traffic throughout the day, the floors in your reception area are bound to get dirty. [Read More]

Is It Worthwhile Enlisting Bulk Curtain Laundry Services?

Your curtains may be a focal point in the different rooms of your house. However, do you actually pay attention to them? The only time most homeowners think about their curtains is when opening them in the morning and closing them in the evening. Thus, they do not monitor the amount of dust that they are collecting. Moreover, the natural oils in your hands transfer onto the drapes, which in turn steadily attracts dust and grime. [Read More]

Which Carpet Cleaning Method is Right for You?

Even if you remove shoes on the door, vacuum daily and have a carpet protector, the carpet will still get too dirty at some point. It is therefore advisable to thoroughly clean your carpet a couple of times annually to get rid of stains, accumulated grime, and dust as well as bad odor and allergens. If you are planning to do your seasonal carpet cleaning, two main cleaning methods may be available for you; [Read More]